The Definitive Answer to “Is this a date?”


Our guest blogger Lola is back and she’s here to call everybody out on their dating bullshit.

I am a dirty-thirty-year-old and I am surrounded by people who either date, don’t date anymore, don’t know if they’re dating, deny that they’re dating or hate dating (yes, you know who you are, haters). So, I find myself wondering when did such a simple and fun thing turn into something complicated and vague?

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Playing “hard to get” is stupid


Ladies, show of hands: how many of you have been told that you should play hard to get to get a guy to want you? Thought so. So apart from the obviously glaring wrong premise that it’s supposed to be our job to vie for a guy’s time and attention, there’s another huuuuuge flaw with this logic and I’m going to break it down for you.

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Young Love


A friend of mine met a guy. They hung out, had a great time. One day over tea, she turns to me and says: “You know, he’s young. Younger than I am.” My initial response was “So?”. But then I started to think: I don’t really know that many couples in which the guy is younger, especially not in our particular age demographic (late 20s, early 30s). What gives?

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The Dangers of Dormant Racism


Now this one is a topic that always offends some people. Dating preferences. You can have a preference for somebody that likes Star Wars. Or somebody who enjoys Eddie Murphy movies. You cannot have a “preference” for a specific race.

I hesitated posting this article for a very long time, but truth is: it bothers me. There’s a number of reasons why.

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