Young Love

A friend of mine met a guy. They hung out, had a great time. One day over tea, she turns to me and says: “You know, he’s young. Younger than I am.” My initial response was “So?”. But then I started to think: I don’t really know that many couples in which the guy is younger, especially not in our particular age demographic (late 20s, early 30s). What gives?

The biggest, most obvious, glaring argument is of course the kids thing. While science has gotten us to a point that we can physically age more and more, they haven’t yet figured out how we can delay our complete mental deterioration. Just calling it like it is here, folks. Consequence: women are still told that, for the biggest success at having kids in a “natural” way, they should try to have their first before they hit 35. And honestly, I can’t say too much about this, except that it is possible to still become a mother after 35, and I think that’s a wonderful thing. Get your life right, wait for the right guy, get your money right. Kids are hella expensive. Other than that, we’ll just have to wait for science to catch up with us.

In my experience age differences don’t really matter that much in the following sense: where you are in life is a lot more important than what age you are, especially in these years we’re in right now. You can’t have one of y’all working 40 hours a week while raising a kid, while the other’s out partying ’til dawn every day since they only have class at 13:00 o’clock and 3,5 more years to go in college. It just so happens that these mindsets often coincide with being a certain age. Apart from that there’s just general maturity, a lot of which just comes with age. By now everybody knows that brain development still goes on until about 25ish, which can lead to some messed up power structures in a relationship. 17 and 25 reads very differently than 26 and 34.

Disclaimer: don’t use my words to try and justify some pervy type of relationship, OK. And guess what, if you’re preying for someone to turn 18 to jump on it, you’re still pervy because that means you’re thinking about it. With a minor. Ew. Get it together.

So those are my $0.02. What do you think, does age matter?