Men and women can’t be friends

Somehow this topic comes back up every now and then. It’s really the age old question. Can men and women really be friends? Over the years I have developed my own theory.

I do have guy friends. Guy friends who I love to pieces and would never want to get romantically/physically/otherwise involved with, apart from just being friends. And for some of them, I know they feel the same. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no kind of sexual tension at all. Let me give you an example. Years ago I was at a guy friend’s birthday, and we were all playing ‘Never have I ever’. You know, the drinking game. So the statement is “never have I ever fantasized about anybody in this room”. Mind you, I was the only woman at the party. Everybody drank. All my friends who I had known for years and never once felt any kind of awkwardness from.

OK, so there was some kind of tension. But so what? That doesn’t mean you have to act on it. You might not even want to. It might be that that’s what originally brought you guys together and you figured you’d rather be friends with this person. But there has to be a reason for a guy to approach you and start a conversation, right? Right.

Can't be friends with men samantha sex and the city
Samantha always called ’em like she saw ’em

I’m not telling you to not be friends with guys. Guys are wonderful friends. Just be aware that at some point, things might get awkward. They don’t have to, but they might.

Now all you ladies that are reading this and thinking: “Oh but MY guy friend would NEVER!” Do me a favor. Pick up your phone and send him the following text: “I need to ask you something and I need an honest answer. If there were no consequences for our friendship, would you wanna hit?” See what he says.

1 thought on “Men and women can’t be friends”

  1. Since the dawn of time, we humans all seek companionship.
    Some of the times we just want a mate,
    at other times we just want to mate.
    but at the dusk of time, we just want a mate to mate with.

  2. Since the dawn of time, we humans all seek companionship.
    Sometimes we just want a mate,
    at other times we just want to mate.
    but at the dusk of time, we just want a mate to mate with.

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