Bullshit Dealbreakers?

Remember how, as a teenager, you made this whole list in your head of what you wanted your future S.O. (significant other) to be? He had to be this tall, wear these kinds of jeans, this eye color, hair color, play this sport… And then you entered adulthood.

So now some of my friends (and myself) are getting to the point where we have to start reconsidering what we defined as dealbreakers before. Some things are very much on the surface (like poor personal hygiene), others run a little deeper. Mind you, these are dealbreakers to stop dating someone, not to ending a relationship.


“I started seeing somebody last year. She was very no-nonsense, which I liked initially. That all started to change after a couple of weeks. She was quick to snap at me if I did or said something she deemed immature or whatever. So one day she texted me. I was busy, so I didn’t immediately reply. She blocked me and deleted my number. I guess that kind of makes that a dealbreaker for her, apparently. I wasn’t all that sad about it though.”

“I went out with this guy once. We went out for a slice of pie and a cup of tea or whatever. Since it was really cold, he said I should order a hot cocoa. I thought it was a good idea so I asked the waitress for hot cocoa with extra whipped cream. He turned to me and said” “No, don’t! Whipped cream makes you fat!” I kind of glared at him, turned to the waitress and asked for three portions of whipped cream. FOH.”

The one really big one I wanna warn you about is the following: avoid the ones that are still hung up on their exes. I made that mistake. Twice.

One guy even warned me about it when we started dating. He told me was still in touch with his ex because she had been a part of his life so long, his family and her were still really close. Or whatever nonsense. So guess what happened. Uh huh. So if you ever hear something along these lines, like for example that he wants to go pick up his ex from the airport or any other “reason” they still have to be in touch (other than kids): run. Don’t walk. Run. And never look back.

What are some of the most ludicrous dealbreakers you’ve ever heard of? Which ones do you uphold? Let me know in the comments!

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