Getting into this age bracket we’re in means seeing a bunch of people around you get married. It also means hearing another bunch of people talk about divorce statistics. Usually followed by a comment on how “people these days” don’t value marriage the way they used to.
No Heartbreak Like Breaking Up With Your Bestie
Relationships end. That’s just the way things are. They work out until they don’t. For friendships, however, the case is very much different.
Divorcing the Family
Breakups are never fun for anyone involved. But they get even worse when you’re very close with your now-ex partner’s family.
Post-cuffing season: the breakup package
Cuffing season is officially over, and you know what that means… You’re about to see some breakups. We want you to be fully prepared just in case you get that dreaded phone call from your friend, boohoo-ing about her breakup. So here are a couple of items you should pack up when you head over to your bestie’s house:
The Breakup, or: how you know it’s over
Breakups are hard. They’re no fun, regardless of whether you’re the breakupper or the breakupee. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do to save your own sanity.