Why you should say “I love you” first


Remember that whole discussion we had on what saying “I love you” really means? Well, I had a very interesting followup discussion to it.

Traditionally, we’re expected to believe that the first person to say it is always at a disadvantage, since they’re the first to show their vulnerability and can get hurt and whatever. What if I told you that the person who says it first actually becomes the one with the upperhand?

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Love Ain’t Everything


Recently a friend of mine called me up and told me she had a problem. A big one. One of her oldest best guyfriends had admitted to having feelings for her. Girl was shook. Not because she didn’t see it coming, but because she didn’t know what to do about it. You see, there’s definitely love between the two of them. But love isn’t enough to build a longterm relationship. Contrary to popular belief, love does not, in fact, conquer all.

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The Recipe for Love?


What’s the most important thing in a relationship? Most people will answer ‘Love’. Don’t get me wrong, love is important, but I honestly don’t believe that it’s enough.

That ‘in love’-feeling, science has agreed, lasts for about two years. This is an average number, so give or take a few months. After that phase, love becomes a choice.

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Post-cuffing season: the breakup package

Cuffing season is officially over, and you know what that means… You’re about to see some breakups. We want you to be fully prepared just in case you get that dreaded phone call from your friend, boohoo-ing about her breakup. So here are a couple of items you should pack up when you head over to your bestie’s house:

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