Favorite Things: Bruá gear

In Favorite Things I like to highlight the things I find across the web or out in the world and share them with you! In this edition: Bruá gear. Read on below!


Bruá is a brand that started not too long ago to basically celebrate people’s versatility. It’s “work hard, play hard” poured into a fashion and lifestyle brand. What the brand name means? I can’t really explain it. Here’s what the owners/designers have to say about it:

Our iconic designs are inspired by cosmopolitan lifestyles infused with the beautiful Caribbean ABC island vibes where our designers are from. Bruá literally means confused/bewildered in Papiamentu or Papiamento, the most widely spoken language on the islands. In the local slang, it could also refer to an action where your grandma would shake her head in disapproval while saying “hmmm Bruá”.

Hope that clarifies it for ya, ‘cuz I can’t translate it in any other way. Right now the main focus is t-shirts, but they’ve been expanding into some accessories and collectible items, too.


Well, first of all, I like the attitude it exudes. If you’ve read more on this blog, you can probably guess why. I’ve seen this brand grow from a handful of followers on Instagram to a fullblown international webshop and professional photoshoots and endorsements, so that’s pretty exciting. On top of that, the products are of actual high quality, contrary to what you often find with other brands that try to move into this market. Plus it’s all fairtrade stuff. So yeah, there are cheaper options out there but honestly I’d rather have something that lasts longer than 2 laundry cycles.


All Bruá products can be ordered through their official website. Shipping is currently limited to the Netherlands and ABC islands in the Caribbean, but you can always reach out to them to ask about other options. You’d be surprised at how helpful these guys can get.

Oh and if amazing travel pics and such are your thing, make sure to follow them on Instagram. Some serious wanderlust inducing snaps. Here’s the one from that time I was in Disneyland wearing my first Bruá tee.

*EXCLUSIVE* They’re coming out with hoodies soon, people. HOODIES. It’s like they read my mind.

Bruá Tees






