Unfinished Business

I firmly believe that every woman (and possibly every man) has one. A person they still have lingering feelings for, be they lust or love. The one that got away. Unfinished business.

You can’t really put your finger on it, but this person has a weird kind of hold on you. You know who I’m talking about. The “friend” you meet up with. Just to catch up. You say to yourself: “Nothing’s going to happen.” Then, with a stern look on your face in the mirror: “I don’t WANT anything to happen!” Then you go and shave your legs, put on a lacy matching set of lingerie and spritz on that perfume he likes.

The problem with unfinished business is that it can seriously interfere with other relationships in your life, whether those are romantic relationships or friendships. Or even just your relationship with yourself.

So there he is. You smile. Plant a kiss on each others’ cheeks. And you sit down and make small talk. The conversations turns to love and/or sex. And there it is: the feeling. The same thing he always stirs up in you. You glance at him. You catch him eyeing you. You close your eyes and pray: “Panties, don’t fail me now.” Now you have two options: smile and look away, or let your eyes linger and bite your lip. Or however other way you wanna convey your message. Decision time.

At this point your mind’s probably racing. “What if we do this? I’ve missed him… But what’ll happen to our friendship if we do? Then again, if sex and/or romance is the foundation of our relationship, it’s not a friendship to begin with… Maybe I should just go ahead and do it…”

My take on it? Honestly, as long as nobody gets hurts in the process, do what you gotta do. You’re grown. Go handle your unfinished business. Explore. See how deep this actually runs. Or just get it out of your system. You don’t want to be left wondering “what if”. Ain’t nothin’ worse than that.