Relationships end. That’s just the way things are. They work out until they don’t. For friendships, however, the case is very much different.
The Situationship Chronicles
Overanalyzing Will Kill It Dead
You know that initial excitement when you meet somebody new, hit it off and start thinking if y’all could work out? And you know that anxious feeling you get after a little while, once you start overanalyzing every text (or lack thereof), gesture, facial expression? I’m probably one of the biggest culprits of overanalyzing, but I’m here to share some things that I think may help you tone it down.
Forgiveness is a Funny Thing
Forgiveness is supposed to be a virtue. One of the best things you can do. I do believe it is, but not because it makes you such a nice, warm, kind-hearted person. No, no, no. Forgiveness is a good thing because it’s in your own best interest. Allow me to explain.
Valentine’s Day: Final Words
Now that the whole mess that is Valentine’s Day is behind us, let’s evaluate. We’ve all read the articles and had the discussions: Valentine’s Day is holiday created by Hallmark and other corporations to guilt-trip people into spending money to prove they love someone. Or on the other end you have the ones who argue that it’s a cute holiday and get dressed up in red and pink and cover everything in hearts.
So here are my guidelines to celebrating / not-celebrating the “holiday”.
Parents Just Don’t Understand
Deep down (generally speaking) we all want approval from our parents. No matter how old we get, they’ll still be our parents and we want them to be proud of their kid. But for some of us, especially those who feel they’re stuck between cultures, finding a balance between what we want and meeting our parents’ expectations of us can cause serious problems.
Is moving for love a good idea?
I’ve always been around a fairly internationally oriented group of people. Now that I’m nearing 30, a lot of these people are getting married, having kids, making some big life changes. And for this particular mix of people that often includes relocating, either within the country or abroad. So I went around and asked people if they’d consider moving for love.
When It Pays to Be Petty
You know how I usually tell you to be the bigger person, be clear in your intentions, be honest? Yeah, sometimes all of that needs to go out the window and you need to let the petty out.
Friends with an Ex
So I know this topic has been discussed and hollowed out and everybody has an opinion on it. Still, I want to bring it up again because I’ve recently seen how trying to stay friends with an ex can backfire, and drag down your little group of friends right along with it.
The Trouble with Loyalty
My mother once told me I’m loyal to people I have no business being loyal to. This was years ago, but it stuck with me. At every turn in my life, when I’m at a crossroads and have to choose where to take my life next, I remember her telling me this and think about if the other party has been as loyal to me as I have been to them. This goes WELL beyond romantic love, by the way. Let me give you some examples.
“Nobody ever got laid over WhatsApp.”
Surprise! This week we’re kicking off a new feature on the website: guest blogs! Our very first blogpost is by the author known only as TDR, and he’s here to share some valuable advice when it comes to dating and WhatsApp. Enjoy!