{:en}Fangirl moment: Mariah Carey{:}{:nl}Fangirl momentje: Mariah Carey{:}

{:en}This week started with the fantabulous Mariah Carey announcing a European tour: the Sweet Sweet Fantasy tour. It’ll be her first time touring Europe since 2003. While I thought I had outgrown my frantic love for all things Mariah, I found myself squealing like a high school girl with a crush when I found out. So, I called some of my friends who had a similar response and we got our tickets as soon as they went on sale.

I’ve had some responses from people asking me if I was sure, since her voice isn’t what it used to be. To them I say:

Take that, haters!

I can list all the reasons I still love Mariah Carey. As a matter of fact, I will!

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