Why the new Star Wars movie is awesome

So by now I hope everybody’s seen the new Star Wars movie. As with every sequel to an iconic franchise, there are haters. Their favorite argument? “JJ Abrams couldn’t even come up with an original story, weeehhhh!”

I’m here to tell you why these people need to stop and why Star Wars Episode VII is awesome, in more ways than one.

I think I kept this fairly spoiler-free by the way. Although if you haven’t seen it by now it’s your own damn fault if you read any.

The first thing I noticed about this movie is how it fits perfectly with the original trilogy, without the datedness. Sure, the stormtroopers still can’t aim for sh*t. But at least they draw blood now. And of course it’s loaded with little jokes and references to the original trilogy that you really won’t get if you haven’t seen those.

Secondly, and this one’s for the people who say that the story’s unoriginal, I think this movie is a great introduction for the ones among us who didn’t grow up watching Star Wars. Think about it, the original movie came out in 1977. That’s a long time ago. That’s well over a decade before I was even born (even though I first watched the original trilogy in my toddler years). It’s enough of a standalone story to be interesting, but also features enough to make people wonder about the backstories.

star wars rey
Rey. She’s such a badass. She’s my new hero.

Unanswered questions (spoiler-heavy. Yes, I decided to be nice and still warn you.)

The movie left us with a few questions which will undoubtedly be answered in upcoming sequels and the anthology movies.

  • Where did Rey come from? Who’s her family? Her parents? There are theories, obviously.
  • The lightsaber that Maz Kanata had. How did she get it? She said it was Luke’s, and his father’s before him. But that lightsaber fell during Luke and Darth Vader’s confrontation on the bridge in the original trilogy. Did he rebuild it using the original crystal? Did Maz somehow find the original even though it was lost in space? So many questions.
  • Why didn’t Rey and Finn kiss in this movie? I have a theory. I don’t know if I’m ready to share it on this website and start a mini-riot. But those of you that know me personally might have a hunch.
  • Who’s Lor San Tekka? I feel like I should know him, but I have no idea from what.

So what are your thought on the latest Star Wars movie? Let me know in the comments!