Things That’ll Kill Your Relationship (or Situationship)

You know my philosophy on relationships, right? Only two things can happen: things either work out or they don’t. I’ve seen a loooot of relationships fail, both my own as well those of people around me. So let me present to you: things that’ll get your relationship killed faster than a lingerie-clad white girl in a low budget horror movie.

Lack of Trust

This is an easy one. If you don’t trust each other, it won’t work. And you know whether or not you trust you SO. And here’s a lesson for ya: lack of trust can have one of two sources, sometimes a combination of both. It can either come from insecurity or you have given this person reason not to trust you. That first one you can’t fix, you can only be patient and supportive without being an enabler. The last one means you did a shitty thing at some point, and while some couples move on from it, for most it leads to months (or years) of distrust and emotional blackmail. So yeah. Good luck with that one.


Oh, but not from you or the person you’re with. The most annoying kind of jealousy will come from other people who want what you have. Of course, if you’re both secure in who you are and where you stand with the other person, this shouldn’t affect you too much. But be warned, some people will go REAL far in trying to drive a wedge between you.

Toxic Friends

A while ago I mentioned having a perpetually single friend might not do you any favors when it comes to the relationship department, right? Right. So, whenever you get into an argument with your SO (which you will), don’t let them get into your head too much. Now this is a bit of a gray area, as there’s a fine line between somebody genuinely seeing some red flags that you can’t see from the inside. But you know when your friend’s always negative about any- and everybody’s relationships and when they’re looking out for you, right? Right? Please say yes. Anyway, there you have it. Through all their good intentions, they might be doing more harm than good.

Well, there you have it. Just a couple of things I wanted to share with you. What other relationship killers should people be on the lookout for? Share in the comments!