Mr. Right vs Mr. Right Now

Hang on to your hats, kids. We’re going into a topic that might be uncomfortable for some of you. You see, some of us choose to spend our time with Mr. Right Now rather than Mr. Right (or Ms of course. Whatever floats your boat). Sometimes that’s OK. And sometimes it’s not.

What’s the difference?

So what separates Mr. Right from Mr. Right Now? Well, chances are you know good and damn well you have no business getting involved with Mr. Right Now if you want something that’s going to last. But Mr. Right Now is fun and exciting. And probably knows how to put it down. Don’t give me that look, you know I’m right.


We’ve talked about why women tend to go for the “bad boys” rather than the “good guys” before. Basically, that’s it. You know the difference between a good time and a long time.

Killing Time

So what’s the harm in killing time until you meet someone who does meet your criteria? Ha. I’ll tell you.

First of all, leading someone on is uncool. If all involved parties are involved of the fling-status of your situation, it’s cool. But chances are sooner or later someone will catch feelings and then that’s a mess you gotta deal with. Hell, that person might be you. And then what? You really wanna deal with the fallout of all of that? People getting jealous? Crying? Screaming? “But you didn’t even want it to be like that between us”? Does that sound like fun to you? Is that your idea of a good time? Hmm?

Secondly, and you might not like this, but if you’re messing around with someone who’s not “it” for you on the low, there’s a very good chance you’re not even going to notice somebody who’s a better fit for you walking by. You’re out here spending time with and energy on this person that’s not gonna go the distance with you, when there’s a waaaay better option right in front of you.

And finally, because these things should always come in threes, you are NOT going to change or will Mr. Right Now into being Mr. Right for you. One more time for the cheap seats in the back: you cannot make a person into something *you* think they should be.


However, it’s not all sorrow and doom. There are definite upsides to hanging out with someone you know probably won’t be around this time next year. Like what? Glad you asked.

First off, cuffing season is a thing. You know it, I know it. Some of us might not be happy about it, but there’s a lot of things going on we’re not happy about *cough*Trump*cough* and we have to make the best of it regardless.

Then, there’s the easiest reason of all: it’s fun. We’ve all been through plenty of nonsense and misery, and we deserve a little uncomplicated funtime. Not everything in life needs to be all serious all the time.

And finally, some of us really aren’t looking for a fullblown relationship. And in my personal opinion, that’s the way to be until you meet somebody that makes you change your mind. It’s the best guarantee that you’ll get to know who you are, what you like and dislike, what you want, what you need. You can only learn all of that in the field. Preferably not via fairytales and Meg Ryan movies. So yeah.

So. Now what? I’ll tell you now what. As my call-me-out-on-my-bullshit-friend always says: hang out, hook up, have fun. Just know when it’s time to get out.